When the house to our north sold it sold as a house and a lot behind the house. Not thrilled about this idea we hoped that the person who had bought the house had struck up a deal...
No. Such. Luck.
The ground leveler (yeah, not so sure what the machine is really called) was out this morning, leveling the ground out behind their house. We will have to pay attention and not just open the door to let Josie out these next few days, weeks, months, because we know that the fence along the north side of our backyard will be coming down. The good thing, each of the homes this company has erected has gotten fences around the backyard (if you can call what they have a yard).
I am a bit sad, but Kev made the point of "well, a house there is going to be better for our property value than the cars that used to be there, and the nastiness that was there after the cars left."
I'll get pictures as they progress.
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