Saturday, August 27, 2005


Jennifer tagged me to write my top five idiosyncrasies...shit, did I spell that right?

Okay, so here they are in no particular order.

1. I really truly love the way new shower curtains smell. I blame Jill really. I hadn't even given them a second thought until we lived together and got one. She just stood in the bathroom sniffing. I asked her what she was doing and she told me...I then could be found in the bathroom with her. Showers, for that first week, took forever.

2. I set out my outfit for the next day, every night. I sometimes even put what jewelry I am going to wear with it. I try to arrange it so that the first item I put on is on top and the last on bottom. So, from top to bottom today's outfit was laid out like this:

tank top
tee shirt

3. For breakfast every morning (just about) I have either two pieces of toast or a bagel. On one piece I will smear a bit of peanut butter and on the other I melt a piece of colby cheese. I must eat the peanut butter piece first. I finish it up with the latte. I never start drinking the latte until I am done with the toast/bagel.

4. I can not leave zits, bumps, scabs...etc alone. When my dear husband gets one (zit) on his face...everything. in. my. power. to not reach over and mess with it. I will say to him, "you know, that thing is ripe for the popping" and he just tells me "NO!" I have something on my chin that is just driving me crazy today. Must. resist. urge. to. pick.

5. I can't help but take photos of myself when I am having a damn good hair day. I feel I have perfected the art of the flattering self portrait. I...well, you tell me...

And now to see who my next "victims" will be...

Tanya, Amanda, Dad if any of you are up for it. :)


Jack K. said...

You are stupendous. Great hair day. Idiosyncrasies is spelled correctly. Congratulations.

As for the tag, not on your tintype. I know, no guts no air medal. Who wants an air medal anyway.

Maybe that is an idiosyncrasy.



FemaleCSGradStudent said...

Prolly should do this on my own blog, but I'm not feeling particularly bloggy today. So I'll just comment.

1. I am addicted to Biore Deep Cleansing Pore strips. I can't stand the little clogged pores in my nose.

2. Despite being a feminist, there are still some things I can't see myself doing in this age of equality. I can't ask a man to dance, though I've done it out of desperation on a slow night. I can't pick out where to eat out on a date. I don't think I could ever propose marriage. Still, I change my own oil, mow my own lawn, and insulate my own attic, so I think it makes up for it.

3. I pluck the grey hairs out of my dog's fur. I don't pluck all of them, just the ones that are particularly long and noticeable.

4. If I don't like someone, I can't make eye contact with them. At times, I won't even look at them, even if they are talking to me.

5. I am a very shy person. I just hide it by being outgoing.

k said...

you are so adorable!

I have a friend/co-worker who is moving to Portland (area). Now I have double the excuse to visit!

When will you come to Phoenix???

Adrianne said...

If I can only list five I will have to try to figure out which five, that may take a while.

Really, when are you coming to Phoenix?