Saturday, August 13, 2005

do you know?

Do you have any idea how annoying it is when you know you have had a conversation with someone and you are counting on them following through and coming into work only to have them not show up and deny having the original conversation in the first place? I know, Dad, separate realities...


Jack K. said...

I bet she is younger than both of us. Or not. My bias is showing. If separate realities work rignt that person will remember the conversation. The question now is, will that person have enough courage to admit it? Time will tell.

In the meantime, a useful remedy is a written note. The next time after note taking doesn't work, have the note signed and dated.

Sometimes people would rather just get paid and not show up for work. Other times something comes up that is extremely important and all else is forgotten.

But, denying the conversation is almost unforgiveable.

The bright side is overhead is reduced by not having to pay the person for that time.



shannon said...

She's considerably younger than the both of us...

I spoke with her and supposedly she told our boss she wasn't able to come in because of a family reunion. I told her that she really should have told me since A. I am the one she was supposed to be working with and B. Ahmed forgets EVERYTHING.

It really doesn't matter in the grand scheme because she's gone at the end of the month. It just really ticked me off.

Jack K. said...

You can always give her a "wonderful" recommendation, or not.