Saturday, July 16, 2005

sorry, a little (stupid) rant

Bekah, you will appreciate this one...

I "own" a list on yahoo groups. Most of you all know this. The reason I "own" my own list now is because of ill feelings that I had with the original dog list I was part of. It was deemed time to move on (by my gut feelings) and so I did. I started another group, got together with a couple of my online friends and got a great group together.

Now one of those original friends (we will call her C) has decided she needs to totally blast my very good friend (we will call her R) behind her back to me. OMG!! Are we back in flipping high school?!? If C has an issue with R she knows she can talk to her about it, however, C is now saying she's done with R and sees what other people see....I'm still waiting to see what that is because as far as I'm concerned R has been respectful of others and just shared her knowledge (and damn, she's one smart cookie).

(don't worry, I've said these things to both parties so I'm not really going behind backs here)

The truly interesting thing to me throughout this is that C joined both under her name as well as a fake one. Does she think I don't know she's got two identities (and maybe more) at my group? What made her feel compelled to sign up with the other one (I know she does at all the groups she is a member of)?

And then I remember, it's the freaking internet! It doesn't have any affect on me personally. If she wants to be stark raving mad, I have the power to boot, ban, and not let anyone else fact, I can make my list an invite only list. Hmmmm.


Anonymous said...

I say BOOT HER. Haha! I'm pretty sure I know who C is, and I'm positive I know who R is... but please, PLEASE email me and share with me who C is for sure, and who her other identity is!!


Jack K. said...

By invite ony! Hmmm! An interesting option.

It is interesting how people "get a life" on the internet.

If a person uses multiple names in a chat room, does that mean they have multiple personalities?

Maybe C is just the "evil twin" and "R" the "good" one.

You will do the right thing. You always do.

