There are several different cards you have to pick during play. One set is called Roolz. These are things you must do during the game, unless another Roolz card says to discard a current Roole. We had several global Roolz, one of which was we had to keep something that was larger than our fist in our left hand. So, beer. Then I drew a card that made me put one finger in a nostril, yodel while trying to roll three twos. And I had to keep the beer in my left hand...I haven't laughed so hard in a long time!!!!!
I always knew you were talented. I just didn't realize how varied they were.
Have a happy 4th.
I don't know if I could play that game. I don't have near the yodeling talents that you appear to.
Off to Spain. Will write when I get back.
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