Yesterday I came home from work to find Kevin working on the laundry. This made me extremely happy as I am normally the laundry doer. It also made me nervous as all hell. There are a few things he dried that I never dry, so we'll see if I have to go shopping Sunday...I've yet to investigate the basket of folded clothing (he "folded" things, too!). It was at this time, we started talking about dinner and what to make. Kev announced he was hungry for mac-n-cheese.
Anyway, I was home, doing a boat load of dishes that are still covered in dust (hell, the dog is still covered in dust it seems) and was still trying to think about what to make for dinner. When dishes were done I opted to put on my lounge pants. Kev says, "And how is that going to help us on the quest for Mac and Cheese?" I informed him I was not going to go to the store that if he'd wanted me to get something he could have called while I was at work and asked me to stop on my way home. Gas conservation at its best...lump all errands together!
I jumped online to search for a pasta and cheese dish using Parmesan cheese (since he'd gotten a lovely block of it for our Caesar salads the other night).
JACKPOT! We opted for penne pasta instead of shells (working with what we have, people) and it turned out fabulous!!! I also decided that we couldn't simply eat mac-n-cheese for dinner, we needed protein and a little vegetation. I cooked up some chicken tenders in a pan with some olive oil, seasoned with kosher salt, white pepper and a dash of paprika. I sent Kev out to the garden to get some romaine for a simple lettuce salad.
We sat down to eat and Kev said, "who knew we had all this food in this house?" I'm proud when I can pull together a meal without having to leave my house (other than popping out to the garden...which is so damn cool!!). Especially when we both think we really don't have that much food in the house. I realized I could have taken a photo of one of our plates, but it was too late when that thought occurred...both plates were empty.
So, another dish to put into regular rotation. Next time, however, I will use more white pepper. Dad, I expect you to say you look forward to having some of this when you are in town in November. I think the family would enjoy it.